Words coined from 'plunder'

Since I started to write about plunder, I have thought of nothing with as much intensity as this, and I guess in much of my waking hours, the word hovers around like the wretched smell of my cat's dung lying hidden somewhere. No, it refuses to leave that this noon, I finally took a pen and started to write derivatives of the word, much as they do in the German language which combines nouns, and, pronto, a new concept emerges. You'll be pleasantly surprised to find that a lot of these coined terms can be used as we cover these plunder stories. I managed to draw up 17 derivatives and, since this is a free country, you can add your own and together probably we can come up with a dictionary. So here they are.

Let's start with Plunderous. An adjective to describe acts leading to plunder. 
Plunderful - just like wonderful. Just substitute 'plunder' for 'wonder' and you have your meaning.
Plunderfest - the feast that comes from plunder money. As in Oktoberfest.
Plunderville - a village or subdivision built with plundered money.
Plunderloot - that one is self-explanatory.
Plunderlies - when you lie like Ligot or Garcia during investigations, those are plunderlies.
Plunderjets - jets bought with plunder money.
Plunderbagman - not me, said Rabusa. He said he was the 'central bank'.
Plundergeneral - like Gens. Ligot, Garcia, and the other chiefs of staff involved.
Plunderplea - the plea bargain obtained from the Ombudsman with plundered money .
Plunderguilt - that one drove somebody to commit harakiri. Both Ligot and Garcia don't seem to have this. Mga kapal muks kasi. 
Plunderlust - as in wanderlust. The lust for plunder.
Plunderhaus - the houses of Erlinda Ligot in California.
Plunderheist - if you rob the houses of Garcia and Ligot, that's plunderheist.
Plundernest - like a love nest. The nest that the plunderer builds for his querida.
Plunderbank - a bank that stashes plunderloot.
Plunderfiles - the files of Garcia, Ligot etal. Like X-files.

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